A Lifetime Opportunity​

At InfoSoft Systems we follow a comprehensive HR policy that prioritizes employee well-being, growth, and work-life balance, offering a supportive and inclusive work environment. Employees at InfoSoft Systems benefit from professional development opportunities and a collaborative culture that fosters innovation and success.

Students and Newly Graduates

For students who are close to graduation (juniors or seniors) or newly graduates, Human Resources Department has built a special program adapted to the professional requirements of each InfoSoft Group company.

This program is focused on smoothing their experience of facing the job market reality. We try to assist them from the first steps they take towards this reality much different from the one that they have been used to in the classroom.

The process of integrating them in the company begins from an initial interview and comprehensive testing, in order to select the best suitable position for them and continues with completion of all requirements needed for their training and readiness. Recruiting and training this workforce category based on their skills, is a very important company policy of all InfoSoft Group companies.

Human Capital – The Most Prized Asset

Efficient recruitment and management of Human Resources are key elements in the success of every business. The progress and continual growth of ten constituent InfoSoft Group companies is based exactly on the talent and work of a staff selected carefully and with high professionalism. This is why, in our point of view, the human capital has been and will remain the most prized asset. It is important to us that everyone is well directed towards the most suitable job position.

Consequently, our slogan is: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work another day!”

This means that we try everything in order to make every employee in each InfoSoft Group’s company pleased and passionate about their work. Only this way, mutual success is guaranteed!

HR Policy

Below are listed the cornerstones upon which the Department of Human Resources is built for all InfoSoft Group companies.

HR Policy

Recruitment of a professional, ambitious and qualified staff

The recruitment process establishes precisely all steps that are followed for the recruitment of a new staff starting from the new job announcement all the way to the professional testing of all candidates. At this point, it is well known what an unsuccessful recruitment means for a company: money and time wasted away. To avoid such costs, through effective recruitment methods and practices we try to select professionals.

Employee motivational drive towards advancement of personal skills and growth in work effectiveness.

InfoSoft Group pays special attention to employee motivation. The methods used for staff motivation are specific and depend on actual situations, job position or employee characteristics. We make sure that every employee positioned in each of InfoSoft Group’s companies feels motivated morally and financially. This is why we are continually up to date with the international progressive practices for employee motivation, altering them to our needs and features.

Regular and well documented evaluation of work for every employee based on fulfillment of the job duties as well as motivation.

Performance evaluation process defines in detail the steps taken for periodic evaluation of every employee. The evaluation form includes a considerable number of personal and professional requirements which are taken into account and evaluated on point scale for each employee. A training or motivational plan is drafted based on overall accumulated result.

Continual staff training and certification.

The company aims continual staff training and certification in order to improve performance, stimulate professional growth and accelerate up the career ladder inside the company. Different types of trainings are available including on the job training, on-line training, and participation in different professional courses or seminars in and out of the country.

A Workplace Like No Other

InfoSoft Group is a great opportunity for all of those who wish to grow professionally as well as personally. The warm atmosphere that you find the first day you enter the company, makes you feel like you are at home.

We offer a modern workplace, comfortable office environment, with easy access to all necessary tools from simple office supplies and equipment to those more specific. Everything is organized and structured in detail without disregarding a single element.

Career growth inside the company

Each company of InfoSoft Group is involved in its employees professional growth. Through various policies, the staff of Human Resources Departament continually encourages them to go up the career ladder within InfoSoft Group companies.

Every job opening is announced within the company, allowing employees who aspire for a certain position to become favorite candidates against outside ones. On the other hand, the standardization by levels of qualification for every position as well as the career tree is a perfect system in guiding towards career growth, initially within their job position and then towards different ones.